List of international talks

As of Jun 14, 2024

Level set method for the crystalline mean curvature flow with forcing
Algorithmy 2024 (High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia) 3/24/2024
Forcing and volume constraint in the crystalline mean curvature flow
Seminar on Partial Differential Equations (Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague), Czechia) 10/31/2023
Continuum limit of dislocations with annihilation in one dimension
Geometric PDEs and Applications  (OIST, Okinawa, Japan) 1/17/2023
Forcing and volume constraint in the crystalline mean curvature flow
2020 KMS Annual Meeting (Zoom (Seoul), Korea) 10/24/2020
Forcing in the crystalline mean curvature flow
Surface and Interface Dynamics II (Zoom (Tokyo), Japan) 10/22/2020
Viscosity approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow
Mini-symposium: Nonlinear Geometric Partial Differential Equations (OIST, Okinawa, Japan) 2/6/2020
Viscosity approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow and its applications
The 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019) (Valencia, Spain) 7/19/2019
Self-similar solutions of the crystalline mean curvature flow
Geometric Aspects of Solutions to Partial Differential Equations (RIMS, Kyoto, Japan) 6/12/2019
Large-time behavior of the anisotropic Stefan problem in nonuniform media
The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications (Taipei, Taiwan) 7/9/2018
Incompressible limit of the porous medium equation with a drift
The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications (Taipei, Taiwan) 7/5/2018
Viscosity solutions for the crystalline mean curvature flow
BIRS Workshop 18w5033 - Advanced Developments for Surface and Interface Dynamics - Analysis and Computation (Banff, Alberta, Canada) 6/21/2018
Viscosity solutions for the crystalline mean curvature flow
Geometry and PDE seminar (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA) 12/4/2017
Viscosity solutions for the crystalline mean curvature flow
CAMP seminar (University of Chicago, Chicago, USA) 11/29/2017
Singular limit of the porous medium equation with a drift
Free Boundary Problems and Nonlinear PDEs (Sapporo, Japan) 9/27/2017
A level set method for the crystalline mean curvature flow
The 18th Northeastern Symposium on Mathematical Analysis (Tohoku University, Japan) 2/21/2017
A level set approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow
Participating Analysis Seminar (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA) 11/22/2016
A level set method for the crystalline mean curvature flow
Mathematical Aspects of Surface and Interface Dynamics 12 (Tokyo University, Japan) 10/19/2016
A level set approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow
International conference on PDE “Towards regularity” (Warsaw, Poland) 9/9/2016
A level set approach to the crystalline mean curvature flow of surfaces
The 11th AIMS conference (Orlando, Florida, USA) 7/2/2016
Motion of surfaces by crystalline mean curvature: viscosity solutions approach
Developments of the theory of evolution equations as applications of the analysis for nonlinear phenomena (RIMS, Kyoto, Japan) 10/21/2015
Motion of surfaces by crystalline mean curvature: viscosity solutions approach
The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2015) (Beijing, China) 8/10/2015
Homogenization of a Hele-Shaw-type problem in periodic spatiotemporal media
BIRS Workshop 15w5164 Developments in the Theory of Homogenization (Banff, Alberta, Canada) 7/28/2015
A viscosity approach to motion of surfaces by crystalline mean curvature
Viscosity solutions and related topics (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan) 3/27/2015
Motion of surfaces by crystalline mean curvature: viscosity solutions approach
Participating Analysis Seminar (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA) 3/4/2014
Homogenization of a Hele-Shaw-type problem in periodic spatiotemporal media
Workshop on Free Boundaries in Laplacian Growth Phenomena and Related Topics (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan) 10/14/2013
A viscosity approach to total variation flows of non-divergence type
Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2013 (Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan) 9/7/2013
Motion by crystalline mean curvature: Viscosity approach
PMI Seminar (Postech, Pohang, Korea) 7/12/2013
A viscosity approach to total variation flows of non-divergence type
Fukae workshop on PDEs (Kobe, Japan) 1/26/2013
Homogenization of a Hele-Shaw-type problem in periodic time-dependent media
Weak KAM Theory and Related Topics (University of Tokyo, Japan) 1/15/2013
Homogenization of a Hele-Shaw-type problem in periodic time-dependent media
Seoul-Tokyo Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic PDEs and Related Topics (KIAS, Seoul, Korea) 11/30/2012
A Viscosity Approach to Total Variation Flows of Non-Divergence Type
5th Polish-Japanese Days on Nonlinear Analysis in Interdisciplinary Sciences - Modellings, Theory and Simulations (Kyoto, Japan) 11/6/2012
Homogenization of Hele-Shaw-type problems in random and periodic media
Front propagation, biological problems and related topics: viscosity solution methods for asymptotic analysis (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan) 9/7/2011
Homogenization of Hele-Shaw-type problems in random and periodic media
36th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan) 8/22/2011