非線形解析・数値解析グループ 小俣研究室

小俣研究室 研究テーマ
- Free boundary problems of hyperbolic type
(1) Droplet motion on a plane, [Movie 1 2]
(2) Bubble motion on water surface, [Movie]
(3) Peeling-off problem against attaching agents,
(4) String vibration with obstacle. [Movie]
- Collision problem
We would like to establish models for collision between elastic bodies which have inner structure. This has important applications such as
(1) Analysis of the effects of traffic accidents on human body,
(2) Bounce analysis with inner structure. [Movie] - Kinetics in the human body
(1) Interaction between blood tube and blood, [Images]
(2) Analysis of blood circulation, [Images]
(3) Analysis of elastic porous media and water,
(4) Shock propagation in human body. - Super parallel computing
We would like to establish an efficient method for the minimizing variational problem for large-scale parallel computers. This problem has been investigated together with Fujitsu company.
Graduate students and research students who are interested in joining the research in the laboratory are always welcome. Please, contact us at any time.
Inquiry: omata@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp