OMATA Lab: Former Ph.D. Students

Former Ph.D. Students
Current positions, thesis titles and publications during Ph.D. course
Name (current occupation)
Xiong Xiaohua (Assoc. Prof., Jiangxi Normal University)
- [1] X. Xiaohua, Life Span of Solution for the Cauchy Problem to Nonlinear Reaction - Diffusion Systems in Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis 9(2002) 105–119.
YAMAZAKI, Takashi (Fujitsu Research Lab.)
Numerical simulation of a hyperbolic free boundary problem with volume conservation constraint.
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] T.Yamazaki, S.Omata, H.Yoshiuchi, K.Ohara: Bubble Motion on water surface, Gakuto Intern. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl. 23(2005), 209–216.
- [2] T.Yamazaki, S.Omata, K.Svadlenka, K.Ohara: Construction of approximate solution to a hyperbolic free boundary problem with volume constraint and its numerical computation, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 16-1(2006), 57–67.
YOSHIUCHI, Hidetoshi (Schlumberger)
A numerical solution of film vibration with obstacle.
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] H.Yoshiuchi, S.Omata, K.Svadlenka, K.Ohara: Numerical solution of film vibration with obstacle Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 16-1(2006), 33–43.
Karel Svadlenka (Assoc. Prof., Kyoto Univ.)
Mathematical snalysis and numerical computation of volume-constrained evolutionary problems.
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] K.Svadlenka, S.Omata: Construction of solutions to heat-type problems with volume constraint via the discrete Morse flow, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 50(2007), 261–285.
- [2] K.Svadlenka, S.Omata: Construction of weak solution to hyperbolic problem with volume constraint, Nonlinear Analysis 69(2008), 3202–3212.
KAZAMA, Masaki (Fujitsu: Supercomputing Unit)
Modeling and computation of fluid-membrane interaction
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] M.Kazama, S.Omata, Modeling and computation of fluid-membrane interaction, Nonlinear Analysis 71(2009), e1553–e1559.
NAKAGAWA, Hideaki (YKK: Numerical Computing Lab.)
Variational approach to evolutionary free boundary problems
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] S.Omata, M.Kazama, H.Nakagawa, Variational approach to evolutionary free boundary problems, Nonlinear Analysis 71(2009), e1547–e1552.
Elliott Ginder (Assoc. Prof., Meiji Univ., School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences)
A variational approach to volume-controlled evolutionary equations
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] E.Ginder, Construction of solutions to heat-type problems with time-dependent volume constraints, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 20, 2 (2010), 467–482.
- [2] E. Ginder, S. Omata, K. Svadlenka, A variational method for diffusion-generated area-preserving interface motion, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, Volume 60 (2011), 265–270.
- [3] E.Ginder, S.Omata, K.Svadlenka, 体積を保存する多相平均曲率流の数値計算, 計算工学講演会論文集 16 (2011).
- [4] E.Ginder, K.Svadlenka, The discrete Morse flow for volume-controlled membrane motions, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 22, 1 (2012).
Naila Al Mahmuda (Assist. Prof., Eastern University)
Development of an index expansion method for portfolio analysis
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] N.-A. Mahmuda, S. Omata, K. Kobayashi, A method for portfolio evaluation based on linear expansion and its application to an empirical portfolio, Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 56 (2012), 15–34.
Chuong Ngoc Duy Hung (Head of Mathematics Division, Soc Trang Normal Univ.)
A numerical method for image processing and its applications
- [1] Ngoc Duy Hung Chuong, K. Nakane, T. Ito, I. Hashimoto, Classification of capillary images based on the average curvature estimation, Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 56 (2012), 35–44.
Nguyen Tri Cong (Vice Rector, Camau Normal Univ.)
Study of a constrained hyperbolic free boundary problem involving fluid motion based on variational approach and particle method
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] Nguyen Tri Cong, Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the motion of a droplet on an inclined plane, Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 57 (2013), 1–12.
KIKUTA, Akira (Kitami Institute of Technology, retired)
Mathematical Analysis of a Ball Bouncing Problem by Using Discrete Morse Flow
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] M. Kazama, S. Omata, T. Nagasawa, A. Kikuta, K. Svadlenka, A global model for impact of elastic shells and its numerical implementation, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 23 (2013), 93–108.
Faizal Makhrus (Univ. of Gadjah Mada, Department of Computer Science)
Comparison of numerical methods for 1-D hyperbolic-type problems with free boundary
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] F. Makhrus, Y. Akagawa, A. Syahrini, Numerical methods for 1-D hyperbolic-type problems with free boundary, Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 59 (2015), 27–50.
Giang Thi Thu Vu
Long-time behavior of the one-phase Stefan problem in periodic media and random media
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] N. Požár, G.T.T. Vu, Long-time behavior of the one-phase Stefan problem in periodic and random media, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S 11 (2018), no. 5, 991–1010.
Vita Kusumasari
Simulation of hyperbolic mean curvature flow with an obstacle
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] V. Kusumasari, Hyperbolic mean curvature flow with an obstacle, Science Reports of Kanazawa University, to appear (accepted in February 2018).
Reza Rendian Septiawan
On a Coupled SPH-Rigid Body Method for the Surfing Problem
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] R. R. Septiawan, An ODE control system of a rigid body on an ocean wave for a surfer simulation in the SPH method, Science Reports of Kanazawa University, to appear (accepted in August 2018).
Irma Palupi
A Numerical Scheme for the Hele-Shaw Problem in Oscillating Media
Publications during Ph.D. course
- [1] I. Palupi, N. Požár, An efficient numerical method for estimating the average free boundary velocity in an inhomogeneous Hele-Shaw problem, Science Reports of Kanazawa University, to appear (accepted in August 2018).