OMATA Lab: Former Members

Former Members
Takashi Yamazaki
- 2004.04 - 2006.09: Ph.D Student
Research interest: Mathematical modeling, numerical simulation and high performance computing.
Current occupation: Senior Researcher, Fujitsu Laboratories of America.
It was very happy for me that I studied and got the Ph.D in Professor Omata’s laboratory. Seminars, drinking and hard training of tennis with Prof. Omata, everything is good memory in Kanazawa University. Stormy night reminds me of Kanazawa University well. Professor Omata gave me an opportunity to know the fun of mathematical modeling. And now I can have an opportunity to enhance my research in the U.S., I would like to deeply appreciate Professor Omata’s advice.
Karel Svadlenka
(Czech Republic)
- 2005.10 - 2008.03: Ph.D Student
- 2008.04 - 2010.10: JSPS Post-doctoral fellow
Research interest: Analysis and numerical solution of free boundary problems and geometrical evolution problems.
Current occupation: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
I really enjoyed my stay in Kanazawa and my studies in prof. Omata’s lab at Kanazawa University. The city is beautiful and full of culture and delicious restaurants, while the university has high scientific level and is located in peaceful surroundings. Now I have a permanent position at a prestige Japanese university and this is all thanks to the rich and inspiring personality of prof. Omata, his deep understanding of mathematics and the stimulating atmosphere in his lab. It was an important and delightful period of my life and I always like to visit Kanazawa when there is a chance.
Elliott Ginder
(United States of America)
- 2007.04 - 2007.09: Research Student
- 2007.10 - 2009.09: Master Student
- 2009.10 - 2012.09: Ph.D Student
Research interest: Variational PDE, shape analysis, and numerical analysis.
Current occupation: Assistant professor, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University
Feeling university history through visits to Kanazawa Castle, discussing mathematics late into the night and underneath cherry trees, sudden downpours and heavy snow storms are all fond and important memories from my time as a graduate student in Omata Laboratory. Our group is comprised of researchers from a variety of backgrounds and nationalities, and this mix of cultures, together with the active enthusiasm of faculty members and other graduate students, provided a positively exciting atmosphere for study and research.
Christian Fredy Naa
2009.10 - 2011.09: Master Student
Research topic of interest: Fluid dynamics, particle method, parallel computing, magnetic material simulation, electronic measurement and automation for application in agriculture.
Current occupation: Junior Lecturer at Department of Mechatronics, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung, Indonesia.
I enjoyed my stay at Kanazawa University, especially in Omata Lab. Prof. Omata helped me during my one-year-stay. Almost everyday, he came to our lab just to see how well we conducted the research. The life outside academic was awesome too. We went to bar, restaturant, festival and ski-ing (I fell a lot).
Ferry Faizal
2009.10 - 2011.09: Master Student
Research topic of interest: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, material engineering.
Current occupation: Ph.D candidate in Graduate School of Bio-Application and System Engineering, TUAT, Tokyo
My days in Omata lab was interesting. I miss to relax in Asanogawa riverbank during the summer. As a student which has a background in physics, I got valuable mathematical knowledge in Kanazawa University since Omata sensei and Karel sensei were introducing a good mathematical tradition in the Lab. Sensei said “There is a lot of good programmers outside, enrich yourself with good mathematical thinking then you will become unique”.
Astrid Ayuningtyas
2010.10 - 2012.09: Master Student
Research topic of interest: Financial mathematics.
Current occupation: Homemaker and freelance writer in USA
Studying in Kanazawa University (KU) was a memorable experience. KU is a very big campus. Located in Kanazawa, a small city where we can feel the modesty of Japanese culture, it gives a sense of comfort and easy to adapt for foreign students. Prof. Omata is not only a Sensei who is a mathematical expertise, but also has broad knowledge in everything. Studied under his supervision, I did not only receive educational lessons, but also remarkable life lessons. Omata Sensei’s lab has an advanced technology, and all the students from Master Degree and Ph.D were getting along so well.
Naila Al-Mahmuda
2010.10 - 2013.09: Ph.D Student
Research topic of interest: Financial mathematics.
Current occupation: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration (FBA), Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Febrie Ahmad Azizi
2012.10 - 2014.09: Master Student
Research topic of interest: Particle simulation in Black Hole Accretion Disk and Big Data Analysis.
Current occupation: Business Analyst.
It was expected that the life as master degree student will not be easy but due to that I am able to hone my research mentality during my study in Omata-Labo. Professor Omata himself really cares about his students even letting me study under his friend, Professor Mineshige, to learn about Black Hole’s Accretion Disk, can’t thank him enough for that experience.
Reza Fahrul Arifin
2013.10 - 2015.09: Master Student
Research topic of interest: Bubble motion simulation using acceleration dependent BMO.
Current occupation: Software Engineer staff in Indonesian national company.
My opinion while studied in Kanazawa University is great, Japanese education culture is the best for me. I learned a lot in academic and social life. Especially in Omata Lab, Prof.Omata is a tough and perfectionist person but he cares a lot to his student. Assistance professor Norbert Pozar also helped me a lot when I was in trouble, he is genius. And the lab environment is great for studying, you can explore your science curiosity in the right way. Also the lab mates, they are all smart and good people, it was great to know them.
Herlan Setiadi
2013.10 - 2015.09: Master Student
Research topic of interest: Seismic enhancement, fluid and solid interaction, natural language processing.
Current occupation: Data scientist in digital marketing company.
I learned a lot in Omata-Labo and also I love Japanese culture that definitely open my mind and help me in future academics and careers.
Friska Fristella
2014.10 - 2016.09: Master Student
Research topic of interest: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
Current occupation: Technical consultant in a decision technology firm.
Sasitorn Kanokhilunyakorn
2014.10 - 2016.09: Master Student
Research topic of interest: Financial mathematics, option pricing, Black-Scholes model.
Afifah Maya Iknaningrum

2015.10 - 2016.08: KUEST Exchange Student
Research interest: Fast Fourier Transform
I think Kanazawa is one of best place to study with nice environment and friendly people. Here, we can also enjoy Japanese culture and society while studying and doing research. I feel really grateful for this precious opportunity to study in Kanazawa University under Prof. Omata’s supervision.
KITANO, Hiroyuki

2015.04 - 2017.03: Master Student
Research interest: Numerical simulation of elastic body.
I went on to graduate school from Kanazawa university. I like sports very much, and I belong to volleyball circle. About study, I often stumble, and every time, I have been asked to help professors and senior. By the way, there are a lot of international students in our lab. If you want to touch to various cultures, you should try to come!
Alvi Syahrini Utami

- 2013.10 - 2017.03: Ph.D Student
Vita Kusumasari

2014.10 - 2017.09: Ph.D Candidate
Research interest: Mean curvature flow.
Saeful Akhyar

2015.10 - 2017.09: Master Student
Research interest: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics.
Learning and doing research with the experts is an amazing experience. Living at a beautiful place like Kanazawa is a perfect combination to create stories.
Ayu Shabrina

2015.10 - 2017.09: Master Student
Research interest: Financial model.
Riska Wahyu Romadhonia

2015.10 - 2017.09: Master Student
Research interest: Galaxy clustering model.
Arfian Alimansyah

2015.10 - 2017.09: Master Student
Research interest: Diffusion equation, financial mathematics, Hidden Markov Model
Vu Thi Thu Giang

2015.04 - 2018.03: Ph.D. student
Research interest: Viscosity solutions, measure theory, mathematical modeling.
I have been here for a year and it was a special year for me. I have met a lot of difficulties in studying at the beginning but with a lot of help form professors and lab-mates, now I have passed some of them and learned many interesting things. I am very happy to realize that I am now different with myself one year ago. I just want to send a grateful message to professors and all my friends, thank you so much for everything.
Reza Rendian Septiawan

2012.10 - 2014.09: Master Student
2015.10 - 2018.09: Ph.D. student
Research interest: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics, fluid dynamics, elastic body.
Kanazawa, city of memories. There are so many beautiful things here that made me decided to go back here again to continue my study. Combination of high-pace research universities with divergencies among the research group fellowship makes unique experiences while doing study in Omata Lab. Of course with beautiful surroundings makes me eager to type the code while watching flurry snow in winter or to derive the first variational problem while watching cherry blossom’s petals fly with the wind in spring. For sure, another unforgettable memories will be made when we study here.
Irma Palupi

- 2010.10 - 2012.09: Master Student
- 2015.10 - 2018.09: Ph.D student
Mustawa Harier

2016.10 - 2018.09: Master Student
Research interest: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics, multi-phase porous medium
Widya Liana Aji

2016.10 - 2018.09: Master Student
Research interest: Econophysics, negative temperature theory
Annas Nasrudin

2016.10 - 2018.09: Master Student
Research interest: Hydrodynamics
AKAGAWA, Yoshiho

2015.04 - 2019.03: Ph.D. student
Research interest: Contact problem in an elasticity
Two years already passed since I came to Omata’s Lab. At first, I often lost my confidence. But I can remember that there are a lot of very valuable experiences in this two years that make my confidence back. I think that I can grow through study and interaction with international students. I would like to study more and more. I am going to do my best with my lab mates. If you come to our lab, together we can grow more. So we are looking forward to your coming!
Imam Wijaya

2016.10 - 2019.03: Ph.D student
Research interest: Finite difference, geothermal reservoir modelling, Lattice-Boltzmann
Mochammad Hafiizh

2016.10 - 2019.03: Ph.D student
Research interest: Partial differential, reflective water wave, surface water wave
KOIDE, Syouta

2016.04 - 2018.03: Master Student
2018.04 - 2021.03: Ph.D. Student
Research interest: Geometric measure theory and its applications for nonlinear PDEs, SBV functions
I am studying geometric measure theory and its applications. It is very exciting and challenging field for me. Professors and labmates give me a lot of stimuli, developments, and memories.
Henokh Lugo Hariyanto

2017.10 - 2019.09: Master Student
Research interest: Variational problem, Ginzburg-Landau equation.
Nuntanut Foosarmpok

2017.10 - 2019.09: Master Student
Research interest: financial mathematics
Raditya Panji Umbara

- 2018.04 - 2020.04: Master Student
- KAZAMA, Masaki
- NAKAGAWA, Hideaki
- Chuong Ngoc Duy Hung
- AIZAWA, Tatsuya
- ISHIGAKI, Atsushi
- NAMBO, Masaki
- SONG, Han
- Putu, Harry Gunawan
- Ruddy, Kurnia
- Mourice, Woran
- Christian, Fredy
- SUZUKI, Azusa
- ZHU, Dandan
- ZHANG, Linlin
- Intan Hartri Putri
- Elsa Pitriana
- Dede Tarwidi
- Astrid Ayuningtyas
- Ferry Faizal
- Tolya Ijilbayar
- Raden Ahnaf Faqih Shaimy
- Agra Barecasco
- Rizal Dwi Prayogo
- Hanifa Terissa
- ITO, Kouji
- Nguyen Cong Tri
- Ji XiaoHu
- Kamthorncharoen Chaiyod
- Mario Batubara
- KIKUTA, Akira
- Faizal Makhrus
- Pornchanit Supwilai
- Weerasak Dee-am
- Ullul Azmy
- Firas Atqiya
- KISHIMOTO, Masayuki