


日時 3月10日(木) 16:45~18:15
講演者 Patrick van Meurs 氏 (金沢大学)
タイトル Hydrodynamic limit for a stochastic interacting particle system on the discrete torus
概要   I will present the derivation of a continuum mean-curvature flow as a certain hydrodynamic scaling limit of a stochastic particle system (Glauber-Kawasaki) on the discrete torus in d dimensions. The particles can jump to neighboring sites and there is a creation and annihilation effect.
  This work is done in collaboration with T. Funaki (Waseda University), S. Sethuraman (University of Arizona) and K. Tsunoda (Osaka University). Our manuscript is available on ArXiv. The contents fit to the intensive lecture series that K. Tsunoda (3rd collaborator) gave at Kanazawa University in December 2020. Our work combines techniques from probability theory (main), numerical analysis and PDE theory. This is my first paper in the field of probability theory, and I aim to turn this into my second main research topic.
  The study of hydrodynamic limits of stochastic interacting particle systems is a large field in physics and math. In my talk, I will focus on the main ideas from an analysis perspective and keep the probability theory technicalities to a minimum.
場所 オンライン開催
(参加登録: https://forms.gle/tbdzmhbpdtYfAc1YA)

日時 1月24日(月) 16:45~18:15
講演者 水野 将司 氏 (日本大学)
タイトル A stochastic model of grain boundary dynamics
概要   結晶成長のダイナミクスの理解は材料科学における基本的な問題である. HerringやMullinsは, 結晶粒界の駆動力は結晶粒界の形状, とりわけ曲率が支配的であること, 三重点で結晶粒界エネルギーが釣り合うことを提唱した. ネットワークにおける曲率流方程式は, 結晶粒界のダイナミクスとの関係, 幾何学的変分問題との関係もあいまって, 様々な研究が行われている.
   他方で, 粒界のダイナミクスに結晶粒界の形状以外の影響をコンシステントに加える研究が進んでいる. 講演者はEpshteyn, Liu とともに結晶格子方位差と三重点の挙動を取り込んだ, 新たな結晶粒界の運動モデルを導出した. このモデルは結晶格子方位差を状態変数とする結晶粒界エネルギーに, 最大消散原理を用いることで導出することができる. そして, 曲率を緩和した問題についての古典解に対する長時間挙動を考察し, 数値実験との比較を行った. 数値実験においては, 結晶や粒界が消滅する臨界現象を含めていることに対して, 古典解では臨界現象が起きないことを仮定したため, 長時間挙動の解析では臨界現象を考えることができなかった. しかしながら, 結晶粒界の運動メカニズムの理解には, 臨界現象を捉えることが必要である. さらに, 結晶粒界性格分布(Grain Boundary Character Distribution, GBCD)と運動モデルとの関係も明らかでなかった. 結晶粒界性格分布とは, 結晶粒界エネルギーを推定するために導入された, 結晶格子方位差と結晶粒界の長さに関する経験分布である.
   本講演では, 結晶格子方位差を状態変数に加えた, 新たな結晶粒界の運動モデルの導出手法を説明する. 次に, 臨界現象における結晶格子方位差と三重点の相互作用を調べるために, ブラウン運動を相互作用とみなした, 確率微分方程式による新たなモデルを提唱する. モデルの解に対する確率密度関数は, 伊藤の公式によりFokker-Planck方程式を満たす. 次に, このFokker-Planck方程式の適切性と解の長時間挙動を重み付き二乗可積分空間で考察する. 最後に, 漸近形に対する同時確率分布を考察することにより, 結晶粒界エネルギー, 結晶格子方位差, 結晶粒界の長さに関する新たな公式を得られたことを説明する.
場所 ハイブリッド開催(対面+オンライン配信)
   会場:コロキウム3 (自然科学5号館471)
   オンライン参加登録: https://forms.gle/i9gRHN7dxnwFAUjx6

日時 12月21日(火) 16:45~18:15
講演者 清水 雄貴 氏 (東京大学)
タイトル A current-valued solution of the Euler equation and its application
概要   Besides the Euler flow, there is another mathematical model that describes 2D incompressible and inviscid fluid flows, called the point vortex dynamics. The point vortex dynamics is formally derived from the Euler equation by assuming that the initial vorticity is a linear combination of delta functions. It is utilized as a simple model for a fluid phenomenon with a localized vortex structure. On the other hand, since the point vortex dynamics is formally derived from an Euler flow, it is far from clear whether the insights gained from using point vortex dynamics are applicable to the Euler flows as well. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, we need to establish that the point vortex dynamics is an Euler flow in a mathematically appropriate sense. In this talk, after introducing in what sense the point vortex dynamics has been justified as an Euler flow, I will show that the point vortex dynamics is justified as a weak solution of the Euler equation in the sense of de Rham currents.
場所 オンライン開催
(参加登録: https://forms.gle/wcqct33DvsNvy1ZWA)

日時 11月12日(金) 16:45~18:15
講演者 山本 奈央 氏 (アリゾナ州立大学)
タイトル The differential equation models of COVID-19 epidemic
概要   Infectious disease modeling is attracting widespread interest due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) global pandemic. While ordinary differential equations such as the SIR (Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered) model and its advanced version, the SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious -Recovered) model, are frequently used, there are not many models that use partial differential equations. We modeled the meta-population dynamics of COVID-19 in Arizona using ODE and the spatio-temporal dynamics using PDE with empirical data on human mobility retrieved from Google Community Mobility Reports. Both our ODE and PDE models showed that mobility restrictions help to reduce the size of an epidemic. Quantifying the impact of mobility restrictions together with the vaccination rate on minimizing the epidemic impact can provide useful insights for policy makers.
場所 オンライン開催
(参加登録: https://forms.gle/PehHxqE3TwjHxDAfA)

日時 9月3日(金) 16:45~18:15
講演者 川上 裕 氏(金沢大学)
タイトル Recent advances in Bernstein-type problems
概要   The celebrated theorem of Bernstein, stating that any smooth solution of minimal surface equation on the entire plane must be an affine function, has played a seminal role in the evolution of geometry and analysis. In this talk, we will give a brief survey of recent studies on Bernstein-type problems. In particular, we will talk about our result on this problem (joint work with A. Honda, M. Koiso and S. Tori) for space-like constant mean curvature graphs in the Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space.
場所 オンライン開催
(参加登録: https://forms.gle/YpYHwKH54pwNSegB7)

日時 7月9日(金) 16:45~18:15
講演者 Thomas de Jong 氏(Xiamen University)
タイトル Part1: Topological shooting applied to Fickian diffusion for core-shell geometry

Part2: Preservation of vector graphical representation classes for generative neural nets

Part3: Existence of asymptotically unique solutions for singular ODEs
概要   Part1: Topological shooting is a technique for differential equations which can be applied to prove the existence of solutions. It works by constructing (non-empty) open solution sets such that their complement necessarily contains the desired solutions. We applied the technique to Fickian diffusion of oxygen into core-shell geometry for encapsulating pancreatic Langerhan islets. These are of interest for the preparation of artificial pancreas for Diabetes type 1. We used topological shooting to show that solutions exist corresponding to viable diffusion of oxygen into the core-shell. (Collaborator: Alef Sterk)

Part2: Vector graphics describe an image in terms of coordinates and their connections. The same visualization can be approximated by qualitatively and quantitatively different vector graphical images. Hence, the structure of the vector graphical representation will affect algorithms that aim at extracting underlying patterns. We investigate the preservation of different vector graphical representations in the context of generative networks. (Collaborators: Qiong Wu, Rongrong Ji)

Part3: In dynamical systems solutions are typically studied with respect to their dynamical properties. However, local asymptotic properties can be a necessary condition in modelling applications. For example, the smoothness at the tip of an axially symmetric shell requires very specific conditions in terms of the radial variable. For a specific class of singular non-autonomous ODE we give conditions on the existence of solutions which are unique with respect to their asymptotics. (Collaborator: Patrick van Meurs)
場所 Zoomオンライン会議システム
(参加登録: pjpvmeurs@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp)


  • 今村 悠里
  • Patrick van Meurs
  • 大塚 浩史
  • 小俣 正朗
  • 木村 正人
  • 中村 健一
  • 野津 裕史
  • 橋本 伊都子
  • Norbert Pozar
  • 和田出 秀光


  • 中村 健一
  • k-nakamura (at)
