- 日時 Time
- 場所 Place
自然科学5号館研究棟2階 209A室 + Zoom
Natural Science and Technology Hall 5, 2nd floor, Room 209A
Zoom registration: https://kanazawa-university.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtdeGprTItGdSVnSVyL2oVcqme0N4TEjkW
- 講演者 Speaker
Philip Schrader(Murdoch University)
- タイトル Title
Curve shortening by Sobolev gradient flow
- 概要 Abstract
The classical curve shortening flow, or one-dimensional mean curvature
flow, is the gradient descent of the length functional on curves when
the gradient is taken with respect to a parametrisation invariant L^2 metric. In this talk I will discuss the
gradient flows of length with respect to a family of parametrisation
invariant Sobolev H^1 metrics with
different degrees of homogeneity. The family of flows all turn out to be
equivalent under time reparametrisations. Solutions preserve
embeddedness, converge to points and appear to become round while
converging, like the classical flow. But unlike the classical flow, we
do not encounter singularities.
セミナー幹事 Organizers
Patrick van Meurs・大塚 浩史・小俣 正朗・蚊戸 宣幸・木村 正人・榊原 航也・Thomas Geert De Jong・野津 裕史・橋本 伊都子・Norbert Pozar・Julius Fergy Tiongson Rabago
リンク Links
アクセス Access・数学コース Math course・計算数理プログラム Applied Math program
お問い合わせ Contact
Norbert Pozar ・npozar (at) se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
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