
Kanazawa Analysis Seminar



日時 Time
2023年12月22日(月) 16:30-18:00
場所 Place
+ Zoom によるオンライン配信 (登録リンク:https://kanazawa-university.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtdeGurz0sE9AQJp1sPEQUOkdGCUeRscMi)
講演者 Speaker
高津 飛鳥 氏(東京都立大学)
タイトル Title
Two new families of metrics via optimal transport and barycenter problems
概要 Abstract
The Monge–Kantorovich optimal transport problem is a variational problem on the space of probability measures. If we consider probability measures on a complete, separable metric space, then the optimal transport problem induces a metric structure known as the so-called Monge–Kantorovich metric. The metric is applied to data sciences but this is expensive to compute, and there is great interest in alternative metric structures on spaces of probability measures. In this talk, I introduce two different two-parameter families of metrics based on the optimal transport problem, and explain various geometric properties of these families. This talk is based on joint work with Jun KITAGAWA (Michigan State University).


日時 Time
2023年11月24日(月) 16:30-18:00
November 24, 2023 (Mon) 16:30-18:00JST
場所 Place
  + Zoomによるオンライン配信(参加登録: https://kanazawa-university.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvcu6urzIvHtJm5YgePDxAcaecvSHBIcmo)
Natural Science and Technology Hall 5, 4th floor, Colloquium 3 (room 471)
講演者 Speaker
髙棹 圭介 氏(京都大学)
タイトル Title
Existence of weak solution to volume preserving mean curvature flow
概要 Abstract
In this talk, we show a global existence of the weak solution to the volume preserving mean curvature flow in the d-dimensional torus. To construct the weak solution, we use the Allen-Cahn equation with non-local term motivated by studies of Mugnai, Seis, and Spadaro (2016), and Kim and Kwon (2020). We show that the Allen-Cahn equation has properties needed to prove the existence of the weak solution, such as the monotonicity formula.


日時 Time
2023年10月6日(金) 16:30〜18:00
October 6, 2023 (Fri.) 16:30–18:00
場所 Place
自然科学5号館数学棟4階コロキウム3 (471室)
  + Zoomによるオンライン配信(参加登録: https://forms.gle/QzxzSNJGBbMfoiGV7)
Natural Science and Technology Hall 5, 4th floor, Colloquium 3 (room 471)
講演者 Speaker
Steffen Plunder (京都大学・ASHBi ヒト生物学高等研究拠点)
タイトル Title
Analyzing non-smooth dynamics without convexity: Theory, numerics, and convergence of position based dynamics
概要 Abstract

The simulation of contact problems (such as physical objects with collisions) usually leads to non-smooth dynamical systems, which can be treated analytically with the theory of differential inclusions (set-valued ODEs). In this talk, we will introduce to the general theory of differential inclusions on uniformly prox-regular sets, which is in particular applicable to overdamped particle systems with volume exclusion. We will outline the classical existence and uniqueness theory which relies on concepts from variational analysis such as scalarly upper semicontinuity, metric calmness and hypomonotonicity.

The theoretical foundation allows us to motivate a new approach for the numerical analysis of time-stepping methods for differential inclusions. Our main result is the first convergence proof of NVIDIA’s position based dynamics method (PBD), which is used in numerous movies, computer games and industrial applications. Unlike most other time-stepping methods for differential inclusions, PBD is an explicit method but with excellent numerical stability. These properties make PBD an attractive choice for the simulation of large-scale particle systems like those arising in mathematical biology.

The first part is roughly based on “Adly, S., Nacry, F., Thibault, L.: Discontinuous sweeping process with prox-regular sets” and the second part presents our new results in collaboration with Sara Merino Aceituno (University Vienna).


日時 Time
9月1日(金) 16:30–18:00
September 1, 2023 (Fri.) 16:30–18:00
場所 Place
自然科学5号館数学棟4階コロキウム3 (471室)
+ Zoomによるオンライン配信
(参加登録: https://forms.gle/j2P9YSWxWC5SwfqC9)
Natural Science and Technology Hall 5, 4th floor, Colloquium 3 (room 471)
講演者 Speaker
Samuel Mercer氏 (Delft University of Technology)
タイトル Title
Uniform Convergence of Gradient Flows on a stack of Banach Spaces
概要 Abstract
Within this talk I will recall the classical result: Given a sequence of convex functionals on a Hilbert space, Gamma-convergence of this sequence Implies uniform convergence on finite time-intervals for their gradient flows. I will then discuss a generalisation for this result. In particular our functionals are defined on a sequence of distinct Banach spaces that can be stacked together inside of a unifying space. We will study a kind of gradient flow for our functionals inside their respective Banach space and ask the following question. What structure is necessary within our unifying space to attain uniform convergence of gradient flows?


The seminar will be held jointly with

信州微分方程式セミナー http://math.shinshu-u.ac.jp/~analysis/index.html との共催でセミナーを開催します。

日時 Time
8月28日(月) 17:00–18:00
場所 Place
+ Zoomによるオンライン配信
     参加登録: https://forms.gle/mptzZGvv6K8t1Dj16
講演者 Speaker
Yong-Gwan Ji氏(KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Study))
タイトル Title
Spectral properties of the Neumann-Poincaré on rotationally symmetric domains
概要 Abstract
In this talk, we discuss the spectral properties of the Neumann-Poincaré (NP) operator on two- and three-dimensional bounded domains which are invariant under either rotation or reflection. We prove that if the domain has such a symmetry, then the function space on which the NP operator acting is decomposed into invariant subspaces defined as eigenspaces of the unitary transformation corresponding to rotation or reflection. In two dimensions, an m-fold rotationally symmetric simply connected domain D can be generated by the mth-root transform of a domain, say \Omega. We prove that the NP spectrum on D contains the NP spectrum on \Omega counting multiplicities. We also discuss some examples including lemniscates, m-star-shaped domains, and Cassini ovals.


日時 Time
7月28日(金) 16:30–18:00
場所 Place
講演者 Speaker
牛越 惠理佳 氏(横浜国立大学)
タイトル Title
概要 Abstract






日時 Time
7月7日(金) 16:30–18:00
場所 Place
+ Zoomによるオンライン配信
     参加登録: https://forms.gle/JMd8f6Fbvp53X9Qu8
講演者 Speaker
大江 貴司 氏 (岡山理科大学)
タイトル Title
拡散および異常拡散方程式に対する基本解近似解法におけるConvolution Quadrature Methodの適用
概要 Abstract


本講演では、拡散および異常拡散方程式への基本解近似解法の適用において、時間方向についてNaiveな方法ではなく、畳み込み積分を用いた表現を考え、これに対しLubichが開発した Convolution Quadrature Method を適用する手法を提案する。提案手法の有効性について数値実験を通して議論する。


日時 Time
6月23日(金) 16:30–18:00
場所 Place
+ Zoomによるオンライン配信
     参加登録: https://forms.gle/7aaiU54YDYx4iirQ6
講演者 Speaker
小薗 英雄 氏 (早稲田大学・東北大学)
タイトル Title
概要 Abstract
回転する同心円柱間の領域における定常Navier-Stokes方程式を考察する. 最初に,低Reynolds数と速度場が軸対称でありかつその本質的有界ノルムが小さい場合には, 解は我々の導出した一般化されたTaylor-Couette流に他ならないことを証明する. 特に速度場に付随して決まる圧力が,鉛直方向に有界,特に周期的であれば, よく知られた標準的なTaylor-Couette流を導くことができる. 次に,Reynolds数と速度場の本質的有界ノルムに上限を与え, その条件下で解は必然的に軸対称流となることを明らかにする. 即ちこれらの定理は,Reynolds数と速度場の有界性の制御により,流れが層流に限る例を与えた事を意味する. 偏微分方程式の視点からは,同心円柱間の領域における定常Navier-Stokes方程式の厳密解を与え, その一意性に関するLiouville型定理と見なせ,これまでの自明解に対する同定理の拡張と言える. 本講演の内容は,寺澤祐高氏(名古屋大)と若杉勇太氏(広島大)との共同研究によるものである.


日時 Time
5月19日(金) 16:30–18:00
場所 Place
+ Zoomによるオンライン配信
     参加登録: https://forms.gle/XXzjomnpBGzXE2HF7
講演者 Speaker
Mark A. Peletier 氏(Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
タイトル Title
How GENERIC arises from upscaling a Hamiltonian system
概要 Abstract

All microscopic evolutionary laws for physical systems - Newtonian mechanics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, etc. - are Hamiltonian systems, and therefore reversible in time; a video of the system could be played backward, and the result would still be a reasonable video. This is in blatant contrast with daily experience, in which heat flows from hot to cold but not the other way around, in which ice cream melts but does not spontaneously freeze, and in which life progresses clearly in one direction only. Dialy life has a clear arrow of time, and for many processes the corresponding `backward’ process never happens.

This contrast is Loschmidt’s paradox: if all the microscopic laws of the world are time-reversible, then how is it possible that many processes around us are not? More mathematically: how does the time-reversibility get `lost’ in the passage from the microscopic laws of quantum mechanics to macroscopic equations such as the heat equation?

In this talk, on joint work with Alexander Mielke and Johannes Zimmer, I want to explain our recent contribution to this question. Mathematically, we take a Hamiltonian system, do some ‘coarse-graining’ and then prove that the result is a GENERIC system.

The acronym GENERIC (Generalised Equation for Non-Equilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling) refers to a class of evolution equations that combines reversible and irreversible effects into a single framework. Many equations describing real-world systems have been shown to be of this form, and by construction every Hamiltonian system and every gradient flow are also GENERIC systems.

Our contribution gives a rigorous resolution of Loschmidt’s paradox in a particular setup, and thus gives some insight in how irreversibility may arise from reversibility.



2013年4月,金沢大学の偏微分方程式研究者有志が集まり本セミナーを企画しました。各回の話題は,偏微分方程式の理論的な側面を中心に,セミナー幹事の関心に従い大らかに選択しています。参加者がセミナーを十分楽しみ,勉強し,新しい発見を得られるように,各回の最初の20分から30分程度,講演者の方にはその話題への導入となるような解説をお願いしています。ご関心がある方はどなたでもご自由にご参加ください。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

セミナー幹事 Organizers

今村 悠里・Patrick van Meurs・大塚 浩史・小俣 正朗・蚊戸 宣幸・木村 正人・榊原 航也・Thomas Geert De Jong・野津 裕史・橋本 伊都子・Norbert Pozar・Julius Fergy Tiongson Rabago・和田 啓吾

リンク Links

アクセス Access数学コース Math course計算数理プログラム Applied Math program

お問い合わせ Contact

Norbert Pozar ・npozar (at) se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

過去のセミナー Previous seminars